What is Lyme?
Lyme/Pandas Report
Burrascano Lyme talk on you tube
Lyme Brochure
Children - The Seriousness of Lyme Disease
Lyme Tests Explained - how to properly interpret the Western Blot and what it means
Lyme Disease Symptoms List
Psychology Today Article - Lyme Disease; The Great Imitator
Antibiotics in Monkeys with Lyme Study Information
Been bitten? Still got the tick? Here's where to send it for testing - Igenex also offers this service.
Under Our Skin - famous Lyme documentary
Informative Lyme Site
Comprehensive Lyme Article by Dr Ann Corson, doctor and mother of Lyme patient
How Lyme Disease and Its Treatments Work - informative video
Mycoplasma article (a common co-infection)
Schoolchildren, education and Lyme
Other tick borne diseases
Documentary about Ticks
Testing for Lyme
Lyme/Pandas Report
Burrascano Lyme talk on you tube
Lyme Brochure
Children - The Seriousness of Lyme Disease
Lyme Tests Explained - how to properly interpret the Western Blot and what it means
Lyme Disease Symptoms List
Psychology Today Article - Lyme Disease; The Great Imitator
Antibiotics in Monkeys with Lyme Study Information
Been bitten? Still got the tick? Here's where to send it for testing - Igenex also offers this service.
Under Our Skin - famous Lyme documentary
Informative Lyme Site
Comprehensive Lyme Article by Dr Ann Corson, doctor and mother of Lyme patient
How Lyme Disease and Its Treatments Work - informative video
Mycoplasma article (a common co-infection)
Schoolchildren, education and Lyme
Other tick borne diseases
Documentary about Ticks
Testing for Lyme